Here is the final installment of Wedding pictures, then it's on to London!
Happily married couple right after the ceremony.
Bridesmaids Jen and Joanna with Flower girl Rebecca.
Right across from the church there was a beautiful field (part of the Community Center) where they took all the pictures after the wedding. Most of the kids just ran all around the field, including the little flower girl. It was such a gorgeous day!
Picture taking/Social time. (That's my new dress.)
The Finlay Family - Jen, Colin, John, and Ali
They had wanted to take a picture of all the men at the Wedding in tartan, but most of them had already left for the reception, so it was just these 4. They were told to "show some leg" which made it quite a hilarious picture, note Colin's laughter!
Colin and Katherine arriving at the Reception. (Sorry it's so dark. I should have had Daniel lighten it up.)
Katherine and I looking at each others rings. Girl stuff!
For the girls: Here's a picture of her ring.
Me distracting Rebecca during some picture taking. :)
They had a Ceilidh (pronounced kay lee) Which is a big scottish dance time. A lot of fun!
Daddy and daughter dancing together. Cute!
Here I am socializing during some of the dancing. I had changed out of my dress, because it was getting cold. I really should have waited until after the dancing, that can really warm you up!
We don't have any pictures of us dancing because we didn't think to ask anyone to take them! :(
At the end of the reception the bride and groom stood in the middle of the room and everyone makes a circle around them. Then we all sang Auld Lang Syne to them before they took off.
Then we formed a tunnel for them to go through on their way out.
Here they are emerging!
And they made it!
Now it's time to say our good-byes.
A very happy looking bride saying good-bye to her mom.
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